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SANA-II Network Device Driver Specification
November 7, 1991
Draft for Final Comments and Approval
Dale Larson, Greg Miller
Amiga Networking Group, New Siberia Office
The SANA-II Network Device Driver Specification is a standard for the
interface to any Amiga networking hardware. It is a specification for an
Amiga software interface to the data link layer in the ISO 7-Layer Reference
Model of Open Systems Interconnection. All Amiga network hardware vendors
should supply a SANA-II device driver for their hardware. All protocol writers
should talk to SANA-II device drivers rather than to network hardware. Any
protocol stack should work with any SANA-II device driver. The standard has
been kept simple and straight-forward so that SANA-II device drivers should be
easy to write and to use. They should be highly efficient and have low
resource usage. Any SANA-II device driver should behave very much like any
other SANA-II device driver.
Application writers must not use SANA-II Device Drivers directly.
Applications must use the API provided by the network protocol software the
application supports. It is hoped that a standard network API for all Amigas
will be made available by Commodore in the near future.
This version of the standard addresses issues from the original SANA-II
standard which were raised in the 1991 North American and European Amiga
DevCons as well as in the conversion of existing protocols to the use of the
standard. This draft reflects several rounds of comments from active
implementors of SANA-II software. Most of the changes are simplifications and
should be easy to incorporate into any work in progress. The changes should
make the writing and use of SANA-II drivers much easier. Commodore's internal
versions of the A2065 and other drivers and the AS225 software package are
currently compliant with this version of the SANA-II spec.
This version of the specification is very solid and will stand as final unless
comments containing very compelling objections are received by December 31,
1991. All SANA-II device drivers and software utilizing those drivers should
be written to this version of the specification.
Distribution of this version of the standard is unlimited.
Comments should be emailed to dlarson@cmbvax.commodore.com or sent to Dale
Larson, Software Engineer, Commodore, 1200 Wilson Drive, West Chester, PA
19380, USA.
Most changes are explained in detail below, but for those already familiar
with the 1991 DevCon draft of the SANA-II standard, here is a summary list of
the important points:
- Packet type specification has been drastically simplified. Protocols no
longer specify any framing information -- packet magic is eliminated and a
convention is adopted for handling the framing problem faced by ethernet
- NetBuffs are removed from the standard and replaced with a function callback.
- Station aliasing has been eliminated from the standard.
- Since the IOSana2Req structure had to be changed anyway, many names in
<devices/sana2.h> have been changed to be more consistent with other system
names. It is believed that global search and replace should make this a mostly
trivial change and that the benefits gained from consistent naming outweigh
the inconvenience to those few who have existing SANA-II code.
- Events are now defined as a bit mask rather than as scalars.
Many people and companies have contributed to the SANA-II Network Device
Driver Specification. The original SANA-II autodocs and includes were put
together by Ray Brand, Perry Kivolowitz (ASDG) and Martin Hunt. Those
original documents evolved to their current state and grew to include this
document at the hands of Dale Larson and Greg Miller. Randell Jesup has
provided sage advice on several occasions and the buffer management callback
mechanism was his idea. Dale Luck (GfxBase) and Rick Spanbauer (Ameristar
Technologies) have provided valuable comments throughout the process. Nicolas
Benezan (ADONIS) provided many very detailed and useful comments on weaknesses
in late drafts of the specification. Thanks to all the above and the numerous
others who have contributed with their comments, questions and discussions.
Unresolved Issues
Unfortunately, it isn't possible to completely isolate network protocols from
the hardware they run on. Hardware types and addressing both remain somewhat
hardware-dependent in spite of our efforts. See the "Packet Type" section for
an explanation of how packet types are handled and why protocols cannot be
isolated from them. See the "Addressing" section for an explanation of how
addressing is handled any why protocols cannot be isolated from it.
Finally, some protocol standards are simply very hardware specific. They have
particular issues which can't be dealt with from a general data link layer
specification designed to isolate protocols from hardware. For example,
TCP/IP RFC 1201 cannot be implemented without a special hardware driver. The
impact of such issues should be negligible for most protocols running on most
hardware, and the issues won't be made significantly more difficult to address
by virtue of existence the SANA-II standard.
Driver Form
SANA-II device drivers are Amiga Exec device drivers. They have an extended
IORequest structure and a number of extended commands for network statistics,
broadcast/multicast, addressing and unexpected packets. The Amiga ROM Kernel
Reference Manual: Devices includes information on how to construct an Exec
device. We plan to release source to an example SANA-II device driver in the
near future.
Buffer Management
Most Exec device drivers read and write contiguous blocks of data and keep
internal buffers. Networking software is very good at physically fragmenting
a logical block of data with headers and trailers as well as requiring
dynamically tunable buffers. To allow the efficient implementation of
networking protocols therefore requires a non-contiguous physical data
structure with a buffering scheme which is easily externally tunable.
The original SANA-II device driver specification therefore called for drivers
to have no internal buffers and to get all buffers from protocols in the form
of a data structure called a NetBuff. Hence, all protocols were required to
use NetBuffs. This was highly unsatisfactory since most protocols are
implemented from an existing code base which includes its own buffer
management scheme.
To solve this problem, the standard has been revised so that drivers still
have no internal buffers, but now they read and write to and from an abstract
data structure via calls to functions provided by the protocol. The protocol
must provide two functions -- one to copy data to the abstract data structure
and one to copy data from the abstract data structure. The protocol can
therefore use it's choice of data structure for buffer management and allow
this to be used by the driver in order to have very efficient memory and CPU
usage overall.
The Sana2IOReq contains a pointer to data and the length of the data pointed
to, but a driver is allowed to make no assumptions about how the data is
stored and therefore cannot directly manipulate or examine the buffer in any
manner whatsoever other than by calling the protocol-provided functions.
At OpenDevice() a protocol points ios2_BufferManagment to a list of tags which
include pointers to the functions required by the driver. The driver makes
sure that all required functions are supplied and fails the open if they are
not. If the open is successful, the driver points ios2_BufferManagement to a
magic cookie which it uses from then on to access these functions. The driver
could in theory choose to just copy the taglist to driver-owned memory and
then to parse the list for every IORequest, but it is much more efficient for
the driver to create some sort of table of functions and to point
ios2_BufferManagement to that table.
The specification currently includes only two tags for the OpenDevice()
ios2_BufferManagement taglist:
S2_CopyToBuff - This is a pointer to a function which conforms to the
CopyToBuff autodoc.
S2_CopyFromBuff - This is a pointer to a function which conforms to the
CopyFromBuff autodoc.
Opening a SANA-II Device
As when opening any other Exec device, on the call to OpenDevice() a SANA-II
device is passed an IORequest structure to initialize for use by the opener.
This structure is copied by the opener if it desires to use multiple async
requests. The SANA-II IORequest is defined as follows:
struct IOSana2Req
struct IORequest ios2_Req;
ULONG ios2_WireError;
ULONG ios2_PacketType;
ULONG ios2_DataLength;
void *ios2_Data;
void *ios2_StatData;
void *ios2_BufferManagement;
A standard Exec device IORequest.
A more specific device code which may be set when there is an
The type of packet requested.
The device fills in this field with the interface address of the source of the
packet that satisfied a read command. The bytes used to hold the address will
be left justified but the bit layout is dependent on the particular type of
This field is filled in with the interface destination address of the packet
for a send command. The bytes used to hold the address will be left justified
but the bit layout is dependent on the particular type of network.
The requestor fills this field with the amount of data available in the
buffer. The device fills in this field with the size of the packet data as it
was sent on the wire. This does not include the header and trailer
information. Depending on the network type and protocol type, the driver may
have to calculate this value. This is generally used only for reads and writes
(including broadcast and multicast).
A pointer to some abstract data structure containing packet data. Drivers may
not directly manipulate or examine anything pointed to by Data! This pointer
is generally used only for reads and writes (including broadcast and
Pointer to a data area in memory to place a snapshot of device statistics.
The data area must be long word aligned. This pointer is only used on calls
to the statistics commands.
A pointer to a taglist when OpenDevice() is called. Functions pointed to in the
taglist are called by the device when processing IORequests from the opener.
When returned from OpenDevice(), this field contains a pointer to driver
private information used to access these functions.
The flags used with the device on OpenDevice() are (SANA2OPB_xxx):
Exclusive access to the unit requested.
Promiscuous mode requested.
The flags used during I/O requests are (SANA2IOB_xxx):
Raw packet read/write requested.
Broadcast packet (received).
Multicast packet (received).
Quick IO requested.
Packet Type
Network frames always have a type field associated with them. These type
fields vary in length, position and meaning by frame type (frames types
generally correspond one-to-one with hardware types, but see "Ethernet Packet
Types" below.). The meaning of the type numbers are always carefully defined
and every type number is registered with some official body. You must not use
a type number which is not registered with the governing body for the standard
hardware you are accessing. Basically, this means that if you want to write a
new protocol (rather than implementing an existing one), you've got a lot of
paperwork ahead of you. This is one of the reasons why applications cannot be
written directly on top of SANA-II device drivers.
The type field allows the SANA-II device driver to fulfill CMD_READs based on
the type of packet the protocol wants. Multiple protocols can therefore run
over the same wire using the same driver without stepping on each other's toes.
Packet types are now specified simply as a long word. No current hardware
uses more than a long word type and it is at all likely that a longer type
field would be adapted for use in a common hardware frame within the lifetime
of this standard. Furthermore, if such a problem ever did arise, it is
certainly the case that there wouldn't be more than a longword of types in use
and we could provide some kind of mapping in the drivers for such a wire.
Unfortunately, the type field means different things on different wires.
Protocol writers must allow their protocol to be configurable with a SANA-II
device name, unit number and the type number(s) used by the protocol stack
with this device. This way if new hardware becomes available, the
manufacturer-supplied listing of type assignments can be used to configure the
Ethernet Packet Types
Ethernet has a special problem with packet types. Two types of ethernet
frames can be sent over the same wire -- ethernet and 802.3. These frames
differ in that the Type field of an ethernet frame is the Length field of an
802.3 frame. This creates a problem in that demultiplexing incoming packets
can be cumbersome and inefficient, as well as requiring protocol writers to be
aware of the frame type used.
The original standard called for a generalized "Packet Magic" which all
drivers and protocols had to deal with, even though few people should ever
have to worry about the problem. We could also have specified that there are
802.3 SANA-II drivers and that there are ethernet drivers and that if you want
802.3 and ethernet (even if on the same wire) from the same machine, use two
ethernet boards. This didn't make sense because we don't anticipate multiple
protocols needing to use 802.3 frames nor much encouragement for hardware
manufactures to provide special 802.3 drivers. The current solution keeps the
standard simple and allows highly efficient implementations, but it does make
ethernet drivers a little more complex and does make using 802.3 frames harder.
SANA-II ethernet drivers return packets contained in ethernet frames normally
when the requested Type does not fall within the 802.3 range (all and only
802.3 frames have numbers less than 1500 in the type field). If a Type within
the 802.3 range is requested, the driver returns the next packet contained
within an 802.3 frame, regardless of the type of the packet within the 802.3
frame. This requires that there be no more than one requestor of 802.3
packets and that it do it's own interpretation of the frames.
Network hardware addresses are stored under the SANA-II standard in an array
of n bytes. No meaning is ascribed to the contents of the array by the
We know of no network which does not have an address field consisting of a
number of bits not divisible by eight. In case one exists, however, any
padding necessary because the number of significant bits in an address is not
evenly divisible by eight belongs at the end of the bit stream. For example,
if an address is ten bits long it will be stored like this:
98765432 10PPPPPP
Where the numerals are bit numbers and 'P' is a pad (ignored) bit.
Protocols which choose not to implement the bit shifting necessary to use a
network with such addressing (should one exist) should at least check the
number of significant bits in the address field (returned from S2_DEVICEQUERY)
to make sure that it is evenly divisible by eight.
Protocols will map hardware addresses to protocol addresses in a protocol and
hardware dependent manner. Some protocols will always use the same mapping on
all hardware, but other protocols will have particular address mapping schemes
for some particular hardware and a reasonable default for other (unknown)
Some SANA-II devices will have "hardware addresses" which aren't really
hardware addresses. As an example, consider PPP. PPP (Point-to-Point
Protocol) is a standard for transmitting packets over a serial line. It uses
IP addresses as "hardware addresses." The specific address to be used is
negotiated during the establishment of a connection. Thus, the address in
SrcAddr returned from S2_CONFIGINTERFACE (or in a subsequent
S2_GETSTATIONADDRESS) from a PPP driver will be the length of an IP address
and will only be valid after the device has been configured.
Note that some hardware always uses a ROM hardware address, while other
hardware which has a ROM address or is configurable with DIP switches may be
overriden by software and that some hardware always dynamically allocates a
new hardware address at initialization. See Configuration for details on how
this is handled.
Station Aliases
The original standard called for an interface to the ability of some hardware
to simultaneously accept packets for several hardware addresses. Such a
feature is of dubious usefulness. In order to simplify the standard, station
aliases are no longer part of the SANA-II Network Device Driver Specification.
If station aliasing does turn out to be a useful feature available on some
hardware for the Amiga, the standard can easily be extended to re-introduce
station aliasing. Remember that all Exec drivers must check for io_Command
values not supported by the driver. Hence, SANA-II commands can be added
without requiring that existing drivers be rev'd.
Hardware Type
The HardwareType returned by S2_DEVICEQUERY is necessary for those protocols
whose standards require different behavior on different hardware and for
determining appropriate packet type numbers to use with the device. The
HardwareType values already issued for standard network hardware are the same
as those in RFC 1060 (assigned numbers). If you are a hardware developer with
a new type of network, contact CATS to have a hardware type number assigned to
you and added to the SANA-II includes. Protocols should all have reasonable
defaults for hardware with which they are not familiar.
The SANA-II extended IORequest structure (struct IOSana2Req) includes both the
ios2_Error and ios2_WireError fields. IOSana2Reqs returned to the requester
must always be checked for an error in ios2_Error. ios2_Error will be zero if
no error occurred, else it will contain a value from <exec/errors.h> or from
<devices/sana2.h>. If there was an error, there may be more specific
information in ios2_WireError. Drivers are required to fill in the WireError
if there is an applicable error code.
Error codes are #defined in the "defined errors" sections of <devices/sana2.h>:
IOSana2Req S2io_Error field (S2ERR_xxx):
Insufficient resources available.
Noticeably bad argument.
Command inappropriate for current state.
Noticably bad address.
Write data too large.
Command is not supported by this driver. This is similar to IOERR_NOCMD as
defined in <exec/errors.h> but S2ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED indicates that the
requested command is a valid SANA-II command and that the driver does not
support it because the hardware is incapable of supporting it (e.g.,
S2_MULTICAST). Note that IOERR_NOCMD is still valid for reasons other than a
lack of hardware support (i.e., commands which are no-ops in a SANA-II driver).
Software error of some kind.
When a protocol is taken offline, any pending requests are returned with this
SEE ALSO the standard errors in <exec/errors.h>.
IOSana2Req S2io_WireError field (S2WERR_xxx):
Command requires unit to be configured.
Command requires that the unit be offline.
Command requires that the unit be online.
Protocol is already being tracked.
Protocol is not being tracked.
Buffer management function error return caused error.
Problem with the source address field.
Problem with destination address field.
Problem with an attempt to broadcast.
Problem with an attempt to multicast.
Station alias list full.
Bad or unknown station alias.
Multicast address list full.
Event specified is unknown.
The S2IO_StatData pointer or the data it points to failed a sanity check.
Attempt to reconfigure the unit.
A NULL pointer was detected in one of the arguments. S2ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT
should always be the S2ERR.
Standard Commands
See the autodocs for full details on each of the Exec device standard and
SANA-II device extended commands. Extended commands are explained in the
sections below.
Many of the Exec device standard commands are no-ops in SANA-II devices, but
some of these might become used in the future depending on the needs of new
hardware for which SANA-II devices are implemented. For example, CMD_RESET
might someday be used for dynamically reconfiguring hardware on which this is
useful. This should present no compatibility problems.
Broadcast and Multicast
Some hardware supports broadcast and/or multicast. A broadcast is a packet
which is sent to all other machines. A multicast is a packet which is sent to
a set of machines. Drivers for hardware which does not allow broadcast or
multicast will return ios2_Error S2ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED on an attempt to use an
inappropriate function.
To send a broadcast, just use S2_BROADCAST instead of CMD_WRITE. Broadcasts
are received just like any other packets, with a CMD_READ for the appropriate
packet type.
To send a multicast, just use S2_MULTICAST instead of CMD_WRITE. To receive a
multicast, the multicast address to be listened on must be added with
S2_ADDMULTICASTADDRESS and then a CMD_READ must be placed for the type of
packet to be received. Some SANA-II devices which support multicast may have
a limited number of multicast addresses which can be listened on
simultaneously so you must thus check for S2WERR_MULTICAST_FULL when adding a
multicast address.
Note that when a multicast address is added, it is usually added for all users
of the device, not just the protocol which called S2_ADDMULTICASTADDRESS. In
other words, if packets of a type you are requesting are multicast to an
address for which S2_ADDMULTICAST has been called, you will receive these
packets even if you didn't add any multicast addresses.
In general, when you receive a packet, you should not care how the packet was
sent, only that it got to you. If you really want to know, however, you can
check for SANA2IOB_BCAST and/or SANA2IOB_MCAST in the ios2_Flags field.
Drivers should keep a count for the number of opens on a multicast address so
that they don't actually remove it until it has been S2_DELMULTICASTADDRESS'd
as many times as it has been S2_ADDMULTICASTADDRESS'd
There are many statistics which may be very important to the protocol writer
trying to debug, optimize and tune an implementation as well as to the end
user who may need to tune parameters or investigate a problem. Some of these
statistics can only be kept by the SANA-II driver, and there are thus many
required and optional statistics and commands to get at these.
S2_TRACKTYPE tells the device driver to gather statistics for a particular
packet type. S2_UNTRACKTYPE tells it to stop (keeping statistics by type
causes the driver to use additional resources). S2_GETTYPESTATS returns any
statistics accumulated by the driver for a type being tracked (stats are lost
when a type is S2_UNTRACKTYPE'd). Drivers are required to implement the
functionality of type tracking. The stats are returned in a struct
struct Sana2PacketTypeStats
ULONG PacketsSent;
ULONG PacketsReceived;
ULONG BytesSent;
ULONG BytesReceived;
ULONG PacketsDropped;
Number of packets of a particular type sent.
Number of packets of a particular type that satisfied a read command.
Number of bytes of data sent in packets of a particular type.
Number of bytes of data of a particular packet type that satisfied a read
Number of packets of a particular type that were received while there were no
pending reads of that packet type.
S2_GETGLOBALSTATS returns global statistics kept by the driver. Drivers are
required to keep all applicable statistics, and most drivers will therefore
keep all of them. The stats are returned in a struct Sana2DeviceStats:
struct Sana2DeviceStats
ULONG PacketsReceived;
ULONG PacketsSent;
ULONG BadData;
ULONG Overruns;
ULONG UnknownTypesReceived;
ULONG Reconfigurations;
struct timeval LastStart;
Number of packets that this unit has received.
Number of packets that this unit has sent.
Number of bad packets received (i.e., hardware CRC failed).
Number of packets dropped due to insufficient resources available in the
network interface.
Number of packets received that had no pending read command with the
appropriate packet type.
Number of network reconfigurations since this unit was last configured.
The time when this unit last went online.
S2_GETSPECIALSTATS returns any special statistics kept by a particular driver.
It is hoped that each wire type will have a set of documented required
statistics for that wire type and a standard set of optional statistics for
that wire type (optional because they might not be available from all
hardware). The data returned by S2_GETSPECIALSTATS will require wire-specific
interpretation, see <devices/sana2specialstats.h> for currently defined
special statistics. The statistics are returned in the following structures:
struct Sana2SpecialStatRecord
ULONG Count;
char *String;
Statistic identifier.
Statistic itself.
Identifying string for the statistic. Should be plain ASCII with no formatting
struct Sana2SpecialStatHeader
ULONG RecordCountMax;
ULONG RecordCountSupplied;
struct Sana2SpecialStatRecord[RecordCountMax];
Space for this many number of records is available to place statistics
information in.
Number of statistic records supplied.
S2_READORPHAN is not, strictly speaking, a statistical function. It is a
request to read any packet of a type for which there is no outstanding
CMD_READ. S2_READORPHAN might be used in the same manner as many statistics,
though, such as to determine what packet types are causing overruns, etc.
Network hardware needs to be configured before it is used. Some parameters
about the hardware must be known by protocol software (hardware address and
MTU, for example) when it is used. These commands address those needs.
When a network protocol is started, it should try to S2_CONFIGINTERFACE even
though an interface can only be configured once and someone else may have done
it. In order to properly S2_CONFIGINTERFACE, you must first
S2_GETSTATIONADDRESS to determine the factory address (if any). You must also
provide for user-override of the factory address (that address may be optional
and the user may need to override it). When S2_CONFIGINTERFACE returns, you
must check the ios2_SrcAddr for the actual address the hardware has been
configured with. This is because some hardware (or serial line standards such
as PPP) always dynamically allocates an address at initialization.
Protocol writers will want to use S2_DEVICEQUERY to determine the MTU and
other characteristics of the network. The structure returned from
S2_DEVICEQUERY is defined as:
struct Sana2DeviceQuery
ULONG SizeAvailable;
ULONG SizeSupplied;
ULONG DevQueryFormat;
ULONG DeviceLevel;
UWORD AddrFieldSize;
ULONG HardwareType;
Size, in bytes, of the space available in which to place device information.
This includes both size fields.
Size, in bytes, of the data supplied.
The format defined here is format 0.
This spec defines level 0.
The number of bits in an interface address.
Maximum Transmission Unit, the size, in bytes, of the maximum packet size, not
including header and trailer information.
Best guess at the raw line rate for this network in bits per second.
Specifies the type of network hardware the driver controls.
In order to allow hardware tests to be run on an otherwise live system, the
S2_OFFLINE command allows the SANA-II device driver to be "turned off" until
the tests are complete and an ONLINE is sent to the driver. S2_ONLINE causes
the interface will be re- configured and re-initialized, and any packets
destined for the hardware while the device was offline will have been lost.
All pending and new requests to the driver should be returned with
S2ERR_OUTOFSERVICE when a device is offline.
All protocol software must understand that any IO request may be returned with
S2ERR_OUTOFSERVICE because the driver has been taken offline. In such an
event, the protocol will usually want to wait until the unit comes back
S2_ONLINE. It may do this by calling S2_ONEVENT to wait for S2EVENT_ONLINE.
S2_ONEVENT allows various events for the driver to be waited on.
Events usually happen in multiples. A driver must track events, but may not
distinguish between some types of events. If an event is not tracked, an
S2_ONEVENT for the event is returned with S2_ERR_NOT SUPPORTED and
S2WERR_BAD_EVENT. Errors which seem caused by a malformed or unusual request
should not generally trigger an event.
Event types (S2EVENT_xxx):
Return when any error occurs.
Return on any transmit error. (Always an Error.)
Return on any receive error. (Always an Error.)
Return when unit goes online or return immediately if unit is already online.
(Not an Error.)
Return when unit goes offline or return immediately if unit is already
offline. (Not an Error.)
Return on any buffer management function error. (Always an Error.)
Return when any hardware error occurs. (Always an Error, may be a TX or RX,
Return when any software error occurs. (Always an Error, may be a TX or RX,